
Pool Parties

I loved/hated pool parties as a kid. I was always the only one who didn’t have to worry about swimmer’s ear! But really, I loved being outside and in the pool doing handstands or underwater tea parties or whatever. Unfortunately, water proof hearing aids are just now starting to become a real thing. So I … Continue reading Pool Parties

I literally don’t have ears

So, I have hemifacial microsomia. To me, that’s just a big word saying there’s multiple things “wrong” with me. Technically, it means “a congenital disorder that affects the development of the lower half of the face, most commonly the ears, the mouth and the mandible. It usually occurs on one side of the face, but … Continue reading I literally don’t have ears

What’s wrong with your face?

Adults don’t really ask me questions. They stare, that’s for sure. I’ve gotten better at noticing when people are staring at me. Sometimes I definitely think it’s in my head, and I’m just feeling self-conscious. But sometimes, sometimes I know.             My favorite is the “quick glance”. When my hair is up, my hearing aid … Continue reading What’s wrong with your face?